收拾东西时居然找到一个微软的 Visual C++ Development System Version 5.0 Learning Edition。当年也不知道中了那门子邪,买来想学编程,可惜咱这猪脑子不好用,刚刚起步就搁浅了。这学习软件自己都没有用过就束之高阁了。现在要扔吧,好歹也是几十刀买来的怪可惜的,留着是什么用也没有。不知道有没有人有兴趣收藏这个版本做纪念的,您可以免费拿走,要不然它的归宿就是垃圾箱了。
Hi, also if your PS2 keyboard & mouse is there, I want to take them, please call me or PM me your phone number, thanks very much! N, L* Q/ Y4 o; R* X I! |The keyboard & mouse I take for some old PC, which I want to give to those new immigrants
原帖由 qjf 于 2008-7-8 20:04 发表 7 o! M5 G! V) ~4 sHi, also if your PS2 keyboard & mouse is there, I want to take them, please call me or PM me your phone number, thanks very much!- `* d7 `/ J7 A5 [9 i5 V
The keyboard & mouse I take for some old PC, which I want to give to ...