埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China

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鲜花(8) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2004-5-14 18:52 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
7 M* r) l2 ?# T* Q# c% i9 \* k1 W) e* E) u, ~; U: T. S4 n
4 x( a; ^) }/ p8 k6 z2 N8 B  `) _# ?: T
于是大声疾呼一视同仁地对待本地和国外的文凭和专业资格者有之,做义工,做CO-OP,一分钱不要,就为有“加拿大经验”者有之,呼吁政府加大对新移民的就业辅导和语言培训者有之。主张给雇用新移民的企业税收优惠者有之,指责新移民要求过高,不切实际者有之。 7 i7 K& i5 G! ^' c2 F! X# ^1 n1 T0 L
2 O& R! ]1 v% h! ]5 A8 w" i
一个专业人士希望找到一份专业工作,这种要求应当说不是过高,而是很正常。 ; J3 X7 A) W  C7 X! o6 {, Z. \+ W! `

0 z' }% T- |* D4 N) t% _/ U其实,加拿大的专业人士的就业难,主要是一个供求关系的问题。其实质就是,加拿大的经济本身并不需要这么多的专业人员。加拿大的经济在本质上与墨西哥没有多大的区别,都是美国经济体的附庸,主要为美国提供原材料,来料加工和组装。各位只要查一查加拿大最大企业的排名榜,就可以看出,排在最前面的就是几家银行,然后就是美国公司在加拿大的分公司。 & V) y9 q$ c0 t6 ^

- K4 P2 P# y( {7 d5 y这种经济结构注定了,除了几家大银行,政府机构需要一些白领专业人士外,这个国家大量需要的是蓝领工人,它缺的是蓝领,过剩的是白领。 * ~9 [" ]8 [& L$ z) l/ l% e

, A- |. d3 R1 q* |/ I所以无论是就业辅导机构也好,税收鼓励企业多雇专业人士也好,承认外国文凭和专业资格也好,取消讨厌的”加拿大经验”这一门槛也好,都不可能解决这一供求关系。这些措施除了增加原本已经过剩的专业人士队伍的数量外,除了给移民人士一种虚假的,可以与本地人平起平坐的心理安慰以外,在总体上并没有实质的意义。在”和尚”多而”粥”少的情况下,要紧的是增加”粥”,而不是增加”和尚”。承认外来”和尚”与本地”和尚”一样会念经,或辅导外地”和尚”尽快熟悉本地的”经书”,虽然有可能让一些外来”和尚”从本地”和尚”那里抢到一些”粥”,但这在总体上并不会减轻,而只会加剧这种供求矛盾。
2 Z" V" O! }( x' L
3 t% q, e. e" r( j7 p! z/ F有意思的是,有些人幸运地找到了专业工作,于是就又是写文章,又是接受电视采访,大谈所谓的经验和诀窍,说什么”只要是金子,在哪里也会发光”。俨然”成功人士”。忽然一天,一纸解聘书下来,再想找回专业工作,却怎么也找不到了。 $ I$ S9 T3 {# I: j
: W- t  |. b$ h7 @5 N" t( X9 z# u
6 y- O; }  `! C8 b; ?
1 e, s) y- ?8 b% S; p0 I这就正如,对博彩者的辅导和资格认证,教授博彩经验和诀窍,承认外来人也可以和本地人一样有平等的资格和权利去博彩,这本身并不会增加中奖的概率,而只不过改变中奖者的分配而已,即原本可能是张四中奖的,现在李四得到了高人指点,他的国外博彩专业证书和博彩经验得到承认,所以李四中了奖。中奖人的总数没变,只是中奖人变了。 - Y0 M" x: d$ q6 c, H
- i+ ?, o5 I& C2 o& i- m) B
当一个经济体所能创造的某一类职位只有这么多时,任何对求职者的辅导,培训,资格认证,除了加剧求职者之间的竞争之外,并不会增加职位本身的数量。求职者技能知识和资格水平的提高,语言水平的提高,和本地经验的增多,这只会造成某一部份求职者比另一部份求职者更有竞争力,由前者将后者排挤掉,并不会增加职位的总量。某些个人的命运可能会因此而改变,但这个群体在总体上的命运是不会因此而改变的。 - K1 z! ^9 q1 p5 [3 p- b' W
7 Z/ i  r" R6 T# d6 @! S& B  N- R
至于以税收优惠去鼓励企业多雇用专业人士,要知道,一个企业需要设置多少专业人士职位,这是由它的产品和市场决定的。指望一个只有二十个专业职位的企业去雇用四十个专业人士,其结果是,企业得到了政府的税收优惠后,让原来在非专业职位上的二十个没有专业文凭的人滚蛋,而让那多出来的二十个专业人士去取代他们。这不过是让企业用有文凭的LABOUR去取得没有文凭的LABOUR而已。这些专业人士仍然并没有得到专业工作。而徒浪费政府的金钱。 , ]7 ]2 {2 S$ Q; E& C# ~6 h

5 g( r0 l! ~4 c1 |- c问题的发生应当说与加拿大政府的移民政策有关。加拿大本来缺乏的是蓝领工人,而它的移民标准所接受的人,又是非白领专业人士,不能进入。缺蓝领,而大量引进白领。这就造成了,除了少数幸运儿之外,大多数进来的白领在做蓝领的工作,因而怨声载道。
鲜花(1) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2004-11-21 15:33 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(53) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2004-11-21 15:52 | 显示全部楼层
男护士奇缺.0 x& K- _' H% b0 k  u# w! h3 ^

9 w9 O+ h- z* y  G" H
Originally posted by jameslong at 2004-11-21 04:33 PM:
. S0 P  O7 K) }3 j7 G  X很好的帖子,谢谢雷锋叔叔!今天看了一下午的求职版和自己的经历,同意你的观点。结合前面的帖子,我都想去读护士了,不过需要男护士吗?哈哈。
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2004-11-21 19:56 | 显示全部楼层
老杨团队 追求完美
鲜花(19) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2004-11-21 22:21 | 显示全部楼层
Originally posted by 雷锋 at 2004-5-14 19:52:
/ E+ e+ g/ w; j/ h; i/ D移民加拿大的专业人士中,除了少数幸运者外,大多数都没有找到专业工作。这是一个不争的事实。为什么是这样?
9 K; n! l8 k! O6 |" Z: L4 h; K4 r5 R. R. u4 m% l" Z
有人说这是由于加拿大的歧视性的专业资格认政制度,不承认国外的学历文凭和专业证书。有人说这是 ...
( s5 C5 B$ G  `. r
6 J8 h( n1 e  [6 z
First of all, your article is very interesting, but I cann't agree with some comments. I worked in Alberta almost 10 years and I switched over my jobs 5 times in past ten years. As I know the Alberta industry needs much more professionals than Canada can provide. Specially, in oil, petro-chemical industry, it is very difficult to find a right people. Followings are my main points:
6 r/ A. r6 y8 y6 Z
& t2 u+ Q# P$ q" D/ T9 [! \(1) Canada has very very strict Safety,Health and Environmet code and control system for industry. The standard procedures require the professional or job finders posses the basic concept of the system. Before I started my current job, I didn't understand why the local companies are so so concerns local experiences. Now I understand the reason. The training in industry is very expensive in Canada, (from junor to senior position, the average training total cost is about 5,000$ - 30,000 $/year/person.) Any small or consulting companies cann't afford such cost, but they create 70% of the professional positions.
% b) Z4 E0 p' ^9 O# M1 x/ b+ u5 L1 G
(2) How to get the really job-related training in Canada ? The students in Canada's universities do understand these requirement when they find the first job. So they generally plan it from 2nd year or 3rd year of the university. They can work as summer students, co-op students, or assisstant in companies or non-profot organizations. Not for money, just for geting really experiences. Once they gradute from the universities, they can almost start the job after quite short-term on-job training. This point is very very different in China.  This is another reason why Canada's university give students 5 months vacation each year. This is very useful to students' future job-hunting.
, C' c, D0 `6 c- Y
% C; b! z1 X$ P9 x  X) s(3) How many professional Canada's industry? The answer is "Many". Yes, your comments mentioned that in Canada, a lot companies are US based, but it doesn't matter for position, they have to hire the people living Canada. For example, so far I have worked for a Japanese company, a German company and two US companies. I don't feel any different for my job. Please remember. the North American is a very open market. If US company can do better, why Canada has too build the same company too? The best way is to allow this best US company build a plant in Canada.. [- `/ D4 K3 S3 d+ s; y# b  W

% p" |- ~, i+ Q& Z8 j(4) The Canada's banking law requires local banks have to posses 60% share, this is why the biggest companies in Canada is Bank. In manufacturing, so such law, it is a free market.2 `9 m! e. \' c
6 e. I: h. h3 x: B& A
(5) The Canada's universities can provide enough graduated students for industry? the asnswer is "NO". The structure of north American's companies is quite different from that in China. About 40-60% of employee are so-call "白领" or professionals in a English word. For my current companies, about 600 profssionals, but only 500 trades (i.e. workers). I don't think any manufacturing companies in China can afford this ratio number. Of course, the automation level is very high in Canada/US. In Alberta, how many new students can graduate from university? It just covers retired people !! For any new companies, to find the enough professional is really a bigest concerns. As I know, last year, at least two old plants shut down just because they don't have enouth support people.* i5 V8 c. Q% V" N& r

  B1 d( k/ {, A! D5 i7 M* g! W(6) why the companies don't want to hire new comers? The main reason is they concern the safety, it is easier to make incidents for the people who cann't understand the code/law or less local experiences. Once some thing happen, the employer will need pay big big money to goverment and insurence firms. The people who make decision to hire you will have a big trouble too.
" Y9 R% M' Z: s
6 o/ O$ b' K' [. A(7) In job interview, only a few questions are about techniques/skills. But many many questions are about the management/safety/environment code/law/knowledge. You even cann't asnswer these questions in Chinese because you never meet such problems in China. So, the interviews will thing you don't understand what is the most important in a company, how you can complete your job. They don't want take any risk at all. (do you?).% ^. Z' u; Q9 G! @, }" \

, M* a+ ^$ X% l' v(8) what happen after you stay longer? you need try to know as many as possible the people who work in industry, try to learn from them, try to understand and use "professional language" in your interview. You will get better and better, some day, you will get your first professional job. From your new jobm you will understand more and more, you can very very very easily to jump another job after 2-3 years. so, you can find a position as your life-long a\carrer.4 i  M$ r: _! A; E

% e. N+ G& V# e- P# v1 J(9) To take some tenical courses college will be very  helpful for you to use "professional terms/language".
9 x  a. n. S8 q( J# _5 F. G  t! k" G6 i# M+ b6 f& ?0 q( |' W) M
(10) 80% of jobs never post in newspapers, but introduced by friends.& j+ f' V$ a  y; v6 \" g2 B0 m
2 h- B( S2 j' a& w) ?7 t% X4 f
(11) As I know, more 80% new comers can find their professional job within 3 years. Keep trying trying and trying, never give up. You will success.
鲜花(2) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2004-11-21 23:32 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(240) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2004-11-21 23:43 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2004-11-25 08:02 | 显示全部楼层
Originally posted by may at 2004-11-22 02:43 AM:3 F. L5 y+ v& C. b5 A0 G

$ _* @* W- I8 a# k6 S0 _- g
* o2 W( @8 c1 H* ?, F! b8 }1 ~" Z, hhehe,that's why the men went  there ,the challenge!! {  k% }3 R3 f# E

  B0 U( e1 l4 ]3 l[ Last edited by flame on 2004-11-25 at 11:45 AM ]
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2004-12-1 20:52 | 显示全部楼层


鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2004-12-2 13:42 | 显示全部楼层
too many mistakes in spelling, grammar....../ X) J# I3 M& s1 j& p, B) P* `2 q
  c/ H% {2 x! p3 }% f6 W
First of all, your article is very interesting, but I can’t agree with (you on) some comments. I (have) worked in Alberta (for) almost 10 years and I switched (over) my jobs (among different companies) 5 times in past ten years. As I know the Alberta industry needs much more professionals than (wherever) Canada can provide. Specially, in oil, petro-chemical industry, it is very difficult to find a (right) (eligible) people. Followings are my main points:# {' x3 N3 y+ [/ R1 M

3 j% c9 B3 z# G- r/ g(1) Canada has very (very) strict Safety, Health and Environment code(s) and control system(s) for industry. The standard procedures require the professional(s) or job finders posses(s) the basic concept of the system. Before I started my current job, I didn't understand (the reasons) why the local companies (are so so) concerned(s) local experiences (so much). Now I understand the reason. The training in industry is very expensive (in Canada), (from junor to senior position, the average training total cost is about 5,000$ - 30,000 $/year/person.) Any small or consulting companies can’t afford such cost, but they create 70% of the professional positions. 5 J, P- Q/ _" o9 e1 M8 k; e6 D9 z

' t2 }$ K9 s: P" x(2) How to get the (really) required job-related training in Canada ? The students in Canada's universities do understand these requirement(s) when they find the first job. So they generally plan it from 2nd year or 3rd year of the university. They can work as summer students, co-op students, or assisstant in companies or non-profot organizations. Not for money, just for geting really experiences. Once they gradute from the universities, they can almost start the job after quite short-term on-job training. This point is very very different in China.  This is another reason why Canada's university give students 5 months vacation each year. This is very useful to students' future job-hunting.
* b! Z! p5 ^6 W& A7 y" J
$ o7 Z" M2 `2 `(3) How many professional Canada's industry? The answer is "Many". Yes, your comments mentioned that in Canada, a lot companies are US based, but it doesn't matter for position, they have to hire the people living Canada. For example, so far I have worked for a Japanese company, a German company and two US companies. I don't feel any different for my job. Please remember. the North American is a very open market. If US company can do better, why Canada has too build the same company too? The best way is to allow this best US company build a plant in Canada.
$ c4 w; U# W+ s! |5 h' _3 p" w8 p( J7 n; o8 D7 B& Q
(4) The Canada's banking law requires local banks have to posses 60% share, this is why the biggest companies in Canada is Bank. In manufacturing, so such law, it is a free market.6 b7 }5 e: E; {/ s6 w3 K/ X/ u2 Z
, U5 i/ w  \& U, k2 X0 t; _$ b+ \
(5) The Canada's universities can provide enough graduated students for industry? the asnswer is "NO". The structure of north American's companies is quite different from that in China. About 40-60% of employee are so-call "白领" or professionals in a English word. For my current companies, about 600 profssionals, but only 500 trades (i.e. workers). I don't think any manufacturing companies in China can afford this ratio number. Of course, the automation level is very high in Canada/US. In Alberta, how many new students can graduate from university? It just covers retired people !! For any new companies, to find the enough professional is really a bigest concerns. As I know, last year, at least two old plants shut down just because they don't have enouth support people.1 R8 L5 o. n8 B
. V8 ~4 g1 @1 M9 S, W) h# c
(6) why the companies don't want to hire new comers? The main reason is they concern the safety, it is easier to make incidents for the people who cann't understand the code/law or less local experiences. Once some thing happen, the employer will need pay big big money to goverment and insurence firms. The people who make decision to hire you will have a big trouble too. 1 m/ k0 ^- q7 n' z, `/ y
2 R4 T+ @4 J  H2 D$ }
(7) In job interview, only a few questions are about techniques/skills. But many many questions are about the management/safety/environment code/law/knowledge. You even cann't asnswer these questions in Chinese because you never meet such problems in China. So, the interviews will thing you don't understand what is the most important in a company, how you can complete your job. They don't want take any risk at all. (do you?).
1 {- k! @* l' o5 x' n: j2 \2 a, o$ B- |4 |! [
(8) what happen after you stay longer? you need try to know as many as possible the people who work in industry, try to learn from them, try to understand and use "professional language" in your interview. You will get better and better, some day, you will get your first professional job. From your new jobm you will understand more and more, you can very very very easily to jump another job after 2-3 years. so, you can find a position as your life-long a\carrer.
& U, P: `2 ]6 \$ X7 d% l, Q( \0 e+ M* t9 ]
(9) To take some tenical courses college will be very  helpful for you to use "professional terms/language".
$ t% @8 y# b7 k8 y/ X& f7 v6 R* |3 N+ n2 G2 y0 V
(10) 80% of jobs never post in newspapers, but introduced by friends.
, u7 ?" {3 S2 z5 x- q7 @) s) c+ J% }! e+ U' e, Q4 S- H
(11) As I know, more 80% new comers can find their professional job within 3 years. Keep trying trying and trying, never give up. You will success.
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2004-12-3 06:55 | 显示全部楼层
Originally posted by 村民 at 2004-12-2 02:42 PM:
# {" h! y5 k9 b! U' W9 b. Jtoo many mistakes in spelling, grammar......
1 x2 G! x* D& |) f3 E1 [
" x2 G, M* V1 z8 OFirst of all, your article is very interesting, but I can’t agree with (you on) some comments. I (have) worked in Alberta (for) almost 10 yea ...

% v2 B9 L9 I1 E9 z5 o# x0 Q1 F4 M9 O! t1 W
Thanks, it is very useful to our future new comers.
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