鲜花( 0)  鸡蛋( 0)
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蕴含的控油成分Laminaria Algae和油脂吸收粉末Silica将最大程度地吸附和抑制油脂分泌。令肌肤清爽水润。散发着清香的着哩,如肌肤天生水分般自然亲和,似一股清泉,源源倾注肌肤深处。无油的清爽配方,特别适合偏油性或是害怕不通透的肌肤放心使用。
w7 l9 Q/ }3 ]- j& c4 @: H/ I9 W超群的Moisture Cell TM压缩保湿因子,短短数秒间,即如同水泵一般,迅速吸收四周水分。再缺水的肌肤,都能立即享受大口喝水的痛快感觉。恢复丰润饱满的细腻肌肤,连细纹、干纹都舒展很多。4 H* t( w# \, `' L8 E* }
智能保湿,一整天。! e8 K! A* }2 ?. z+ k. P% ^
卓著的Hydra Insulation TM保湿隔离科技,为肌肤生成维他命B5隔离膜,智能持久地抵御外界侵扰。同时更为你定制完美水循环系统,帮助肌肤有效吸水、琐水、重建水油平衡。有了优越的保湿环境,一周7天,每天24小时,肌肤都水水,柔亮,充满活力。
9 m+ J% l' p) R w; v/ g 1 D% i- H& A) Z/ X9 l2 O. P
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Hydra Bright works in three ways to give your skin a healthy, younger-looking glow:6 m/ ]" p; @3 }, @, E
; t! y* r( a$ x+ N2 `* P1. Evens Skintone
% m) ?8 O- e# n, q- oAdvancedSkin Clarifying Technology creates a more even, vibrant look overalland dramatically reduces the appearance of discoloration. It helpsvisibly address dark spots, minimizing the contrast you see andbringing a brighter, more luminous look to skin.! b A- V0 K" S
1 {! \& A" z1 R* J& I7 D2. Dismisses Dullness. x; Y. H6 v/ Y- t% G/ `
Dry skin is dull skin, so Hydra Bright revitalizes your radiance by flooding skin with rich, refreshing hydration.
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Thekey is Bio-Water, a mineral-rich infusion with a molecular structurethat is similar to the water found naturally in skin. Because of thissimilarity, skin can easily absorb the Bio-Water, ensuring that lastingmoisture and glow-boosting nutrients are delivered deep within skin'ssurface—where they're needed most. . B; s" U. C$ E% l
( m+ G, S3 B& F7 a% C3. Erases Fine, Dry Lines. s) q" u+ |! y) X1 X5 g" q
HydraBright includes a remarkable technology to make fine, dry lines a thingof the past: Moisture Cells™. The encapsulated Moisture Cells start outsmall as they are released on skin's stratum corneum, then they rapidlyabsorb moisture, plumping up to help smooth away fine, dry lines withinseconds. |
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