鲜花( 86)  鸡蛋( 3)
0 W: B. x. ?% X' s
* O8 u1 A8 `. ^7 V) p' o7 L' E4 {" wStep 1.先找到路由器的MAC ID9 r; P& f% b% e; N8 b+ O6 W
连接路由器和PC, IE栏里输入192.168.1.1(也可能是192.168.0.1),回车,用户名admin,密码admin,进入路由器设置界面,WAN,里面应该有一个MAC Address,记下来,这个就是你的路由器的MAC ID。/ z, f) k% X$ z
8 y& Z' G w" E: \: DStep 2.Log in to OCA& w3 I9 H2 ^7 ~
" \! b5 c3 p2 \+ z+ U- l a. Open a Web browser.2 z# c4 ?( r0 P8 [$ |/ u& X( Q
b. Go to the OCA Web page by entering http://oca.telus.net in your Address bar.
& x& w, ~$ [4 V# A 8 ?9 B5 \& B; S, R3 k S Z7 e
: Q! ~1 U* D. J, X NOTE: If you're unable to access the OCA site using this address, you can try http://oca.ab.hsia.telus.net in Alberta or http://oca.bc.hsia.telus.net in B.C.
M5 | y3 ~ E7 x+ E6 H) w" F) d2 q) j+ ? E! `
c. Enter the username and password you selected or were given when you ordered TELUS High Speed.
! Y6 W9 F! I8 j; C
+ R7 _/ r2 J9 w g+ k# F
" n1 |+ E. I8 k# [1 T9 O1 M7 x% p, `2 h! O+ Z
Step 3: Register your router with OCA( [, ? P% `+ P
O7 m5 m3 P6 L3 z" | ] W8 ]
a. Click the One Step Registration of your PC link.2 Q9 c$ v( }% i6 ?- n

# K8 }7 U1 ^- X$ M* G1 L2 F" q- g- L: {0 {# s
b. reboot router
l7 m/ U+ j3 ^9 V6 h0 [9 h8 o+ r6 g1 b+ U
Done.+ ~; A2 d; h( L9 j3 k- Z& b
7 _$ o1 Z4 x5 w+ H以上参考了telus的网页:http://consumer.telus.com/portal ... tion/All_Platforms/ |